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Prophecy News ALERT!

02/07/2010 05:37


From Pastor Doug

Prophecy News ALERT!

Part of our mission at Amazing Facts is to keep up-to-date on world events that have scriptural significance. And we have just witnessed an extraordinary event…

A World Political Authority?
The timing was not coincidental.  Just before the G-8 summit in L’Aquila, Italy, in mid-July, when leaders of the world’s top eight industrial nations assembled to discuss the global economic crisis, Pope Benedict XVI released an encyclical — the most authoritative papal document — in which he laments the sorry state of the world’s economy.  That’s not so unusual, obviously.

But what he specifically says in the letter is very important …

Of course, please understand that there is a difference between the people of the church — and the Catholic Church as a religious and political institution.Real Teeth
There’s more.  In the letter, Pope Benedict also suggests that there “is a strongly felt need … for a reform of the United Nations organization, and likewise of economic institutions … so that the concept of the family of nations can acquire real teeth.”

“Real teeth”?  Sounds like the fourth beast in Daniel 7, which has “great iron teeth” (Daniel 7:7), or like the beasts and dragon in Revelation, because who ever heard of a beast or a dragon without “real teeth”?

Now, I ask:Ethics?
I also found it very interesting in Pope Benedict’s encyclical when he writes, “The economy needs ethics in order to function correctly — not any ethics, but an ethics which is people-centered.”

A new economic world order based on ethics?  And who do you suppose would be the most likely candidate to provide the kind of moral authority to guide those etother than the one who views himself (and who is viewed by millions of others) as the “Vicar of Christ” on earth?

Please keep in mind that other papal pronouncements have often mentioned “protection of the workers’ Sunday” as central to their concept of economic ethics. It all makes sense, don’t you think?

No question, this latest papal declaration, given at a time of a severe world economic downturn, should make us realize more than ever how close we are to the end.

Working with the United States and the European Union?  The pope calling for a single world economic authority with “real teeth” to enforce its economic will upon the world?  How much more obvious can it be?

I am even tempted to quote these words of Jesus:  “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21).

We’ll Never Keep Silent
Sad to say, not many voices are speaking out on these profound issues.  Few people understand even the basics of last-day Bible prophecy.  We at Amazing Facts, though, are never going to be quiet.  They can threaten us with arrest; they can accuse us of “hate speech” … they can even cut off our electricity.  But as long as we have breath, we will proclaim the three angels’ messages to the world, no matter how unpopular or “politically incorrect.”

If we love Jesus and our fellow man, we can do no less.

We know, ultimately, where this is all leading. Until then, while there’s still time, we plan to do all we can to reach souls with the message of salvation.  People are longing to understand what is happening.

A New Prophecy Powerhouse
One practical way we hope to achieve this is by developing a powerful and informative new website called www.BibleProphecyTruth.com.

This state-of-the-art website is being especially designed for new seekers and will help millions understand the truth about end-time prophecy. You can even take a look at it right now, although it is still under construction.

We have already dedicated resources to design this landmark website, which will contain all of the fundamental truths we have for the study of Bible prophecy.  We’ll also use powerful search engine tools to make it easier for souls to find it using Google and similar web resources.
  How could something like this ever happen without the backing of an economic and military powerhouse like the United States to help enforce that authority?

I don’t think it could.  That’s precisely why the day after the G-8 summit, the pope had his first meeting with President Obama.  And what did he give the president of the United States?  A white, leather-bound copy of his encyclical!

  As a Christian, I deeply respect and even cherish the love and reverence that most Catholics have for Jesus Christ.  But at the same time, as an institution, the Bible clearly points to the Catholic Church as a major player in end-time events.

(To understand this from a Bible perspective, click here.)

This is what I mean: The pope writes, “To manage the global economy, to revive economies hit by the crisis, … there is urgent need of a true world political authority.”

Talking about this world authority, the pope explains that it “would need to be universally recognized and to be vested with the effective power.”  In other words, power to enforce its views upon the rest of the world … power to make everyone comply!

This reminds us of the book of Revelation, doesn’t it?  It warns that in the last days, world powers will use force — including economic force — to compel everyone to “worship the image of the beast” or they cannot “buy or sell” (Revelation 13:15, 17).
Can you understand why I’m excited?  And why I see this papal letter as more evidence that we are nearing the end?  All this makes me want to double my efforts in getting the true gospel out to the rest of the world.  More reasons, too, why I’m asking you to continue supporting the work of Amazing Facts.


Collecting and organizing the material and developing modern graphics for this comprehensive website will require a significant investment.

Will you please consider a generous gift to Amazing Facts to help make this happen? Every dollar goes toward reaching the world with present truth.

I can see that, with these latest developments, we don’t have much time left. As part of this important work, please continue to pray and give.  We are nearing the end of our journey.  Your support makes a crucial difference that you will experience through eternity!

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Yours in the Lord,

Pastor Dough


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01/26/2010 03:06

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